

In our company we have machinery of the highest quality to meet the needs of the market and our customers.

Year by year we make sure to make the necessary investments to improve our machinery and keep up to date on the innovations of our market.

In our company we have more than 25 different machines, which are used for printing, cutting, punching, gluing, ironing, splicing, varnishing, finishing specials, burning plates, baking plates, transporting, folding.

We have the only digital machine that can print in 5 colors. It offers solutions for production of high quality, in guaranteed delivery time in less than 24 hours from design approval.

Our machine, prints different grammages and textures of paper and can create innovative and unique products for our customers.

We invite you to contact us so we can make an appointment and show you our plant.

Transport Equipment

3 trucks H100 closed box with capacity of 800 kg.

1 Dodge Ram 2015 Truck with capacity of 3.5 Ton.

1 Truck Freightliner Mod. 2016 with capacity of 10 Ton.

2 Trucks Freight Liner Mod. 2016 closed box with capacity of 10 Ton.

1 Stake Nissan Mod.2017 with capacity for 5 Ton.